Day 11 – JOY

day 11


We seek joy to distract us from life – when in reality life distracts us from joy.

What do you think about that statement? Feeling joy is a more natural, pure state of being than feeling depressed, distracted or dissociated. So why do we struggle with finding and remaining in joy?

Watch a small child, a toddler for a time. They explore life. Watch their honest, pure emotions as they discover and experiment with the world around them. Sometimes they are met with an unpleasant surprise which will frighten them – and we witness the manifestation of that emotion. They respond to correction or discipline or a NO with honest emotion as they begin to feel the defining of self and self will. It is unbridled – the “bridling” is what they learn. And what about joy? Have you witnessed a toddler experience joy? There is light that radiates from their eyes, sounds of unrestrained laughter and glee, body responses of running, jumping and bouncing. Joy unbridled. When did we learn to bridle our participation in joy?

Indeed, that is what we have done with joy. We have confined it, put rules around it and around our expression of it. We have decide the “grown up” thing to do is to work and plan, … and worry about our work and our plans. We enter into this activity without restraint. Unbridled.

Our hearts become heavy out of our own creation. We fashion a life full of “shoulds”, expectations and rules. Unbridled requirements. Maybe we have it backwards.  Maybe we need to put a bridle (limit, restriction) on our “grown up” commitments. What if we spent more time in delight – in the releasing of the pure emotion of joy, and less time obsessing about our adult activities? Do you remember joy? Have you forgotten how to enter into joy?

It is never too late – rediscover the innocence of joy. Find a way to let life sparkle in your eyes again. Jump, bounce, laugh, play! Release and unbridle YOUR HEART to experience joy!

Day 10 – Willing

Day 10

“The spirit is willing but the body is weak.”

That is how I feel as I struggle to get my body moving this morning! Everyone is familiar with this saying – I didn’t remember that it is a Bible verse. Another translation reads like this –

“There is a part of you that is eager, ready for anything (in God). But there is another part that’s as lazy as an old dog sleeping by the fire.” Matthew 26:41 The Message (parentheses added)

I laughed when I read that version – summed it up quite nicely for me!  I am in a fitness accountability group this month and I can relate to that “sleeping dog” imagery some mornings.  And actually, sometimes everyday life! I experience an “assortment” of internal voices and motivations that I respond to each and every day.  My fitness plan is a good illustration. I am eager to exercise, my mind makes excuses (even reasonable ones) and at times my body does NOT move without a decided push from somewhere. Are you familiar with that dance? Heart, mind and body, we are complicated – and exquisite beings.

Willing. What does that mean for how I live my life today?  If I was willing, I would move forward in some areas of my life, I would look a things from a different viewpoint. Being willing comes from my open heart.  There are many voices vying for my attention. I have a choice as to which one I respond to. So do you.

If you lived your life today with a thought that your heart was “willing” – what possibilities would open up for you?  Embrace possibility. Have faith. Be passionate. Trust. Hope. Find beauty. Be responsive and courageous. Live from your heart today. Listen. Be willing – explore life with this heart word today and see where it takes you ….



Day 9 – Courage

Day 9

I learned courage was not the absence of of fear, but the triumph over it.  -Nelson Mandela

I will be honest – I thought penning some words on courage would be easy. It has proved to be one of the most difficult words on which to write. Pages of words flowed, from beautiful quotes by Brene Brown – “Courage is a heart word,” to inspirational thoughts on the roots of this word (heart). The words were true – but too big! I needed to remember that courage is an everyday word.

Courage is taking a deep breath and stepping outside of comfort and familiar and safe.  Being courageous is following a path that has been directed by your heart, while your mind is shouting NO NO NO! It is not foolish or fearless, although other voices would say so. Courage is about doing the right thing when the right thing is risky!

Sometimes courage is demonstrated on a grand scale. But sometimes the greatest feats of courage are enacted by ordinary people in everyday lives who respond to a heart whisper that calls them to ACT.  Courageous people move in a direction that does not guarantee success or even comfort – they move in spite of this. They respond to a heart cry or a God whisper that says “this is the path.” Voices of reason and voices of the crowd will doubt and declare otherwise, but courage is the voice that embraces the fear and willingly steps into the unknown.

Sometimes no one will know how courageous you have been. Sometimes no one will acknowledge how much fear you have fought. Others will not understand what mountains you have faced or the paralyzing terror you have conquered on your journey. Sometimes other voices will be dismissive or belittling of your courageous action because they do not know YOUR HEART.

That is okay. It takes courage to leave behind the fearful and the naysayers. It takes courage to follow the call of your heart and listen to the words God whispers to your precious heart. Be true to THAT call. Follow with courage!

Day 8 – Responsive

Day 8

What would life look like if I lived from my heart?

This was the question that sat before me. I started to write down words that I thought would capture a description of a heart centred life. One of the words on the page was RESPONSIVE.  Hmmmm – that was a surprise word. I had to roll and ponder and consider this thought around for a while.

Responsive as opposed to reactive.  Responsive as in relational and relationship.

How would my responses look different if I responded from an open heart as opposed to a closed, wounded, shut off, protective, defensive position? How would that feel different?

I don’t think responsive involves a quantity, rather I think it reflects a quality.

Does responsive refer to my relationships with people, or can it include other interactions – like with my dog? I suspect it also involves what happens when I witness a brilliant sunrise or inhale a fresh mountain breeze. What is it that happens in me when am lost in  delight of the delicate sweetness of my favourite dessert? My heart is definitely stirred in those moments. Without doubt, I do respond.

So, if RESPONSIVE is a heart word, here is a question for you – how freely do you let your heart RESPOND when life stirs you? I wonder what life would look like if you lived with an open, warm, fully responsive heart?

I wonder … would life look, feel, BE different? What do you think?

Day 7 – Hope

Day 7


It is the emotion and promise that soars, endures beyond measure and brings light into our days! Hope doesn’t reside in our heads, because it is beyond reason and often beyond measure. Hope is rooted in our hearts where time and logic are not welcomed. Hope lifts us and carries us and enables us to hold on to promise.  It keeps our eyes lifted high.

But from the heights of hope – the depths of hopelessness seen to know no bottom! Has your heart been broken by life? Has betrayal stolen promise and breath from you? Or has tragedy left you with only despair as a companion? Then you may know the utter despondency of feeling no hope. There is no escape, no relief – only suffocating darkness. Can there be LIFE with out hope?

Our hearts are resilient. I am told the womb is the strongest muscle in the human body – it requires strength to birth new life. The heart is another remarkably miraculous muscle in the human body – because its purpose to sustain life. It sustains physical life, emotional life and spiritual life.

The proof of the hearts resiliency is that it always draws us back to life. Unless there is a catastrophic reason to stop, or because time has deemed it is time to rest, the heart will fight to keep beating. Our hearts are created to pull us back to life – and to hope. Perhaps if you walked a dark road for a season, you may remember the small flickering of light that began appearing along your path. Life and hope are the territory of the heart – and they will flicker, then flame and explode into fullness at some point along the way.  Our minds want to stay stuck and focused on the pain point. And yes the depths to which our hearts experience the pain – there is no measuring!  But our hearts know that their divine design is to sustain life. The beating heart will fight to continue, it has been purposed to pump the sustenance of life through us – spirit, soul and body.

Close your eyes. Feel your heart beat. Place your hand on your heart and touch the intentionality of that beating muscle.  This is the pulse and promise of hope – feel it in your spirit, soul and body.

As sure as your heart beats – HOPE is true and HOPE is alive!

Day 6 – Beauty

Day 6

What makes something beautiful?

I am a very visual person, so beauty usually first resonates with my sense of sight.  Sometimes it is a balance or a contrast of colour or shape that draws me to a moment of appreciation.  I love the mountains (that may be an understatement for those of you who know me).  The majestic view from afar stirs my heart. If I am hiking down some hidden valley trail – my heart is filled to overflowing! The scents, sounds and random perfection of nature around me flood my senses and I feel beauty with my spirit, soul and body.

I appreciate a variety of music. At times I moved by it and I would say it is a piece of beauty. But for my husband – music is often where he experiences beauty.  I watch him become enthralled by the subtle complexities of rhythm and the intricate layers of sound. He hears things that resonate with beauty deep within him. It is magic.

What is beauty for you? Light, colour, sound, emotion, harmony of motion, or disharmony of shape? What moves you to that place of silent wonder?

When is the last time you sat, JUST SAT and let your heart be filled with the beauty before you. Can you cease “the rush” today and let beauty MOVE you?

Our hearts need beauty! It is like vitamins A, B, C and D for our inner life. Don’t become beauty deficient!  Beauty is all around – in vast expanses, and in small spaces.  It is in the movement of people and in the eyes of those we love. Look for beauty, seek it out and then soak it up. Indulge you heart today – find beauty.

Day 5 – Shine

Day 5

This little light of mine I’m going to let it shine

This little light of mine I’m going to let it shine

 Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

Did you sing these words in your childhood? If you are familiar with it – you will also remember shouting “OH NO!” when the song lyrics asked if you were going hide your little light.  Memories of childrens voices flood my thoughts when I reminisce about that old song from my youth.  It was probably one of the first songs I learned. It will be going through my head all day now!

For most children – “shining” is something that comes naturally. As we grow up and accumulate life experiences, we learn to “veil” our joy, our enthusiasm and openness.  We learn to be mannered and appropriate.  Then, we get BUSY – the usual state for us BIG people. And we forget how to shine.

How can you shine today? You have light to share regardless of what life has asked you to bear. It does not have to be a BIG message light – a smile, a word of kindness, a choice to look someone in the eye or a gentle touch – can be your light today. The interesting thing about bringing light into darkness is that ALL around are touched by it!  Smile and engage with kindness with someone and the reflected light will brighten your heart as well.

There is another song that many of you know … It talks of lighting your candle, shining in the darkness and changing the world.  Remember to do that today – it is a gift from your heart. It will change your world and all who are touched by it. Light your candle – SHINE.

Day 4 – Passion


Well, this should be a good one!  Of course the word PASSION would be included in this list. And who doesn’t crave more passion in their life? If you have all the passion you desire – the rest of us are all a little envious of you!  It is the stuff movies are made of, the reason books and poetry are written. Sigh.

But passion is more than romance and star crossed lovers. It really is. People are passionate about politics and causes – just look at what is happening in our world.  People can be joyous in their passion or angry and destructive. Often passion looks much like “just plain crazy!” There is something that fires up deep in a person to cause them to leave reason and sanity behind, and follow where passion leads.

So… do you have passion in your life? Are you passionately in pursuit of something, anything?  I think many of us put our passion on MUTE. We care about some things, we love (some) people, we have an interest or hobby or cause that holds our attention … but are we passionate? Is there something that lights a fire in your heart?

Since you are reading this – I have your attention. I am telling you to turn off the mute button! Turn up the passion in your life.  And I am not talking about the bedroom! Take that fiery, breathless feeling and direct it to your life. As you turn up the volume – the faded colours of everyday living will spring to life. But you must decide to choose it. You must choose to desire MORE and be willing to listen to the call.

I recently took up painting. I have always had a creative, crafty, artistic leaning. But life is busy, and families take up time. So for most of my adult life, my creative interests have been the first thing to be put away on the shelf.  But recently I gave myself permission to “play” with painting. I am no Rembrandt – I can’t draw. But I love color! I love feeling the flow and movement of colour on the canvas. I have given myself permission to experiment … and something kind of crazy is stirring in me. I could be dismissive of this feeling or minimize the joy that is surfacing – but why??? It’s okay to decide that I really LOVE this. It is okay to become passionate about it. I am the one who limits what I feel about this new endeavour and adventure.

What things in your life are sitting and waiting for you?  What is beckoning you to dive deeper and explore? It might require time, a commitment, energy, but you never know the LIFE it will release! Make a decision to UNmute your heart and your PASSION. Light a fire – somewhere, ANYWHERE! What are you waiting for?



Day 3 – Faith

Untitled design-3Faith.

What is faith to you? Noun or verb?

Faith is a belief rooted in the heart – it is a response to the unseen and often unknown.  It is choosing to believe in something without irrefutable proof. It is belief, it is hope, it is promise. If you believe in God – faith is the word that lands in your heart.

When I am connected to the place I call my heart – I am able to respond to a gentle, quiet prompting or voice that I believe belongs to God. I am passionate about my spiritual life and my faith. It is life giving and life sustaining. My faith fills my heart with peace and joy. It gives my life a firm foundation. I have wandered and explored and returned to the roots of my belief in God. But in this moment I am using generic words – because I don’t want to create a discussion about who is RIGHT and WRONG.  Religion is the framework for our belief systems – it gives structure to the unseen. But the observances, expectations, obligations and appearances of a faith system are rooted in the head, not the heart. I am not speaking of religion.

This is about YOU and YOUR HEART. Faith in ANYTHING is a belief rooted in the heart. You can KNOW in your head, but HEART KNOWING is different. What do you believe in? Whisper or shout the question!

If you want to supercharge, SUPERSIZE love, joy, peace and your heart connection to life – explore faith. Not rules or arguments. Retreat to the quiet place of your spirit – and let your heart grow hungry. Seek. If God is in your life – go deeper, press into your faith. Ask for more.

Let faith sink deep roots into your heart. It will satisfy you – and your heart will tell you so.



Day Two – Embrace Possibility

Untitled design-3

The journey for me began when this question appeared on my journal page.
What would life look like if I lived from my heart?
I sat. For a while. And then I made a list of what it would look like and feel like.
“Embrace possibility” is one of the phrases I wrote down. It is a heart word because it requires me to get out of my head. It requires me to feel things the way my heart would perceive them. There are dreams in my heart and gifts I need to share that are intricately intertwined with WHO I AM. You are the same, you know. Your heart holds treasure that it was designed to share. And sooner than later.
Do you know what you were created to share? Do you remember your gift? Or has life in your “head” made your gift seem small, unrealistic or unattainable? All of the reasons, the excuses and the pain keep you from your destiny. The reason this phrase is placed at the beginning of this journey – is because you must reach for this today. This is about entertaining the possibility that listening to your heart can create change. Embrace this thought – take a hold of it and pull it close.
Embrace the possibility that your heart is a treasure house! Your reason, your fear, your head and your pain will say NO. But your heart whispers YES.
Embrace the possibility that this is TRUE.
Embrace the possibility that your heart can open doors of opportunity for you.
This isn’t about changing or saving the world – although it might be. It is about being true to YOU and the treasures within.
Embrace possibility. Crack open the door today. Embrace the whispered words of your heart. What would change?
What would life look like if you lived from your heart?